“ Help Them Stay N Learn” is our educational program that focuses on making quality education equally accessible to indigent children and youth. This is to help children who are at the verge of dropping out of school or who already dropped out of school stay, learn and graduate from primary/elementary, secondary/high school and tertiary schools.
Help Them Stay N Learn
Many of these children are in school but do not have the required resources needed to aid in learning. This results in students failing, at verge of dropping out of school or finally leaving school.
Apart from paying their tuitions, these are some of the items we intend to equip the students with before sending them back to school each year.
- uniforms,
- shoes,
- note-books,
- text-books,
- pencils, and
- pens.
With your help and involvement, these
- children will have access to a better education including adequate and age-appropriate teaching and learning resources.
- children will have access to funds/scholarship that will help with their education from kindergarten through college.
- children will have access to private and group tutoring that will help meet every child at the point of his/her needs.
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Participants' Profile
- Children of any age from 0 to 20 years
- from low-income homes
- Orphans
- Academically Promising Children
- Children in public or low-cost schools
- Out of school children.
Performance Indicators
- Currently we have 31 student-participants enrolled in various classes after been rigorously screened using their current academic and family income as determinants. These participants are in classes ranging from kindergarten to secondary school/high school.
- For us to accurately and objectively measure our program’s effectiveness, we have employed the use of some performance indicators/ monitoring tools.
Attendance Rate n Percentage
- Attendance: Participants’ attendance trend is monitored by keeping a log in the participants’ school(s). This log must be signed by participating student(s) in the presence of their teachers at the beginning and end of each school day. Our representatives pay randomized visits equip with their own log which participants/teacher will sign.
- Attendance percentage: we calculate this be totaling the number of days each participant was actually in school during the school year and then divide it by the total number of expected attendance days in a school year then multiply by 100%. Our participant is expected to be in school at least 90% of times during a school year.
Academic Performance Rate n Variance
- Academic Performance Records: Participants’ academic performances are monitored through the documentation of their classroom participation, quizzes, assessment tests and end of term examinations.
- Academic Performance Variance: Past participants’ academic records (before enrolling in our program) are then compared with their current academic records. A variance can be positive or negative. A positive variance is when there is a significant improvement in participant’s performance academically. A negative variance is when it is otherwise. A positive variance is what is expected.
Family Involvement Rate
- Prior to enrolling a child in our “Help Them Stay N Learn” Program, we ensure the child’s family is involved from the onset. We know that for an all-round effectiveness the child’s parents/guardians’ involvement is paramount.
- Assisting in paying a child’s school expenses including tuition and other expenses help reduce the family’s burden tremendously. For this reason, we ensure that the parents/guardians’ of our student-participants are also sensitized about the importance of having their children/wards stay enrolled in the program.
- We get feed back through individual interviews and general meetings about how having their children/wards enrolled in our program is impacting their family’s disposable income.
Founder's Quote

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"Kids going to school bare-feet because their parents could not afford to buy them shoes. Widows struggling every day to feed their children. Minors hawking on both residential and main streets. Families living on less than a dollar every day.
All these combined, ignited the fire and brought about the birth of Asake Inc. Foundation to make a difference and give hope to the vulnerable."
Halimat Oyabambi
Founder, Asake Incorporated (US) and Asake Empowerment Foundation (NIGERIA)
Founder, Asake Incorporated (US) and Asake Empowerment Foundation (NIGERIA)
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"Children are our future, and the only way for the world to evolve, as I have been shown it should be, is for each generation to be more loving and compassionate than the one before. This is only possible if we support the children around us, and protect and encourage them so they don’t need to lock their love away."
Lorna Byrne
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"Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded."
Jess Lair
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"The final stage of wisdom is becoming a kid again."
Maxime Lagacé
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"The essence of our effort to see that every child has a chance must be to assure each an equal opportunity, not to become equal, but to become different – to realize whatever unique potential of body, mind and spirit he or she possesses."
John Fisher
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"If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children."
Mahatma Gandhi